
Even though Lu Chuan was in the boss's office, he could still feel panic.

That ferocious kick seemed to have struck Lu Chuan.


Lu Chuan was speechless. He'd had high hopes for Police Zombie 04 and equipped him with the most "excellent" weapon, but both were destroyed before contributing anything.

It was the first time that he lost a zombie, and Lu Chuan realized that there couldn't be smooth sailing in the apocalypse, let alone invincibility.

In the apocalypse, there were crises everywhere.

A moment of negligence might cost one's life.

Like now, Lu Chuan knew that there was a risk, but he still continued with the plan to use sound to attract zombie dogs. The ever present crisis and the presence of powerful zombies taught Lu Chuan a lesson.

Lu Chuan was taken aback when he looked at Police Zombie 04, now a pile of fragments.

Fortunately, Lu Chuan was in the boss's office. This kind of dazedness would not bring any consequences.

Lu Chuan swallowed. After he processed the situation, he immediately issued an order for the rest of the zombies to wander freely.

The zombies who were wandering freely weren't any different from the other zombies. When they sank into this mode, they would only wander this area.

The zombies manufactured by the biochemical plant were "fully armed" and were different from other ordinary zombies.

But they weren't truly any different from the ordinary zombies.

It was the same for the Tyrant. It couldn't think, a powerful but brainless zombie. After killing off Police Zombie 04 who was using the chainsaw, it returned to a calm state.

Similar to the many other zombies, the calmed Tyrant started to wander around.

The Tyrant's height stood out from the sea of zombies. Wherever it passed, ordinary zombies would give way.

Some who couldn't dodge in time were knocked into the air by the Tyrant.

The Tyrant cleared a path wherever it went.


Zombie dog fragments: 2/5.

With only two zombie dog fragments, of course Lu Chuan wouldn't give up.

After the Tyrant left, Lu Chuan had thought it through.

He was meant to lose zombies from the beginning. This was a crisis-ridden apocalypse. If he couldn't even bear to lose a zombie, how could he gain a foothold in this apocalypse?

He couldn't bear the loss now. In the future, when he hunted zombies like the Tyrant, the losses would be even more terrifying.

It wasn't an exaggeration to say that one or two hundred ordinary zombies may not have the ability to kill a Tyrant.

In the future, he would also face survivors.

Survivors could use thermal weapons, which had explosive destruction power. Tens of thousands of zombies might not even be able to take down a small survivor base.

As apocalyptic resources were consolidated, the survivors would only get stronger.

Fighters, tanks, artillery, missiles… and even warships would appear one by one.

The immediate difficulties and losses were just appetizers, a simple treatment before leaving the beginner's village.


Without hesitation, Lu Chuan issued the order.

The zombies who couldn't think started to act again, meticulously executing Lu Chuan's order.

They couldn't think and didn't know fear. Naturally, they wouldn't be afraid of the Tyrant that went back and forth. In their eyes, even death was part of their existence, let alone anything else.


Zombie 22 carried a piece of sheet iron and ran, knocking the piece of iron on the street, making it emit a burst of noise.

Countless zombies chased after Zombie 22 when they heard the noise.

Lu Chuan divided 29 zombies into ten groups. They were scattered about a kilometer away from the construction site. The door of the car, or the cover of the engine compartment, made a violent metal sound when hit.

The zombies within a radius of several kilometers were all mobilized.

This time, Lu Chuan was smarter. As soon as a powerful zombie appeared, the sound stopped immediately, and when they wandered away, he immediately instructed the zombies to make the noise again.

After a while, their efforts paid off, and a scarlet figure appeared.

A zombie dog. It should have been a husky before; it wasn't big. After losing its fur, it was covered with crimson muscles. Transformed by the virus, it was hunkier, and the naked and exposed muscles were layered and powerful.

The target was discovered, and under Lu Chuan's control, seven "fully armed" zombies approached the zombie dog.

For this kind of low-level zombies, a little bit of tricks can be calculated.

The husky zombie didn't perceive the crisis and was walking slowly on the street. It was calm and leisurely.

Lu Chuan knew that aside from its hideous appearance, as long as there was movement, it would become ferocious, allowing him to truly understand how crazy and fierce zombie dogs are.

Seven "fully armed" zombies, under the command of Lu Chuan, gradually surrounded the zombie dog.

There were a lot of zombies on the street, and zombie dogs, like them, were in an unconscious state.

In this unconscious state, the zombies clustered together in twos and threes, and sometimes, they crowded into a group. They would not guard against zombies who were their own kind.


At the moment of encirclement, several rebar, driven by the power of the zombies, flashed past like lightning.


The sound of penetrating the muscles was a little crisp. One could imagine how powerful that blow was and how fast the rebar penetrated the zombie dog's muscles.


The zombie dog was suddenly hit hard. It was impaled and stuck at the intersection of the five rebars.

With their crazy durability, the zombie dog didn't die even after such an impalement.

Its brutal side caused the zombie dog to struggle frantically. It opened its mouth wide and tried to bite its surroundings. But it was caught on the rebar, and there was nothing it could do; all its struggle was in vain.

From the wound, black blood gushed out and dripped onto the street.

It was a strange scene: five zombies with iron plates, iron skins, and iron basins, had joined forces to attack a zombie dog? If the survivors saw this, they might start to suspect that they were seeing things.

However, there was another zombie that was even stranger. He held a machete up high.

After sharpening the machete, the blade shone coldly and could even reflect light from the sun.

The zombie didn't know how to save his energy. The muscles of his arms suddenly contracted, and using an explosive strength, he raised the machete and slashed down fiercely.

The machete flashed a cold gleam, and the ferocious dog's head was chopped in half.

Jet-black blood spurted one meter from the freshly sliced dog's head. The zombie dog, who had been struggling frantically, stopped abruptly after losing half its head.

"The third zombie dog fragment."

This result made Lu Chuan smile.

It seemed like gathering all five zombie dog fragments wouldn't take long.

The five zombies pulled the rebar out of the zombie dog corpse, and staggered off one by one. It seemed as though the scene just now had nothing to do with them.

In their free state, they had returned to their aimlessness.

If they removed their "equipment" and were thrown into the sea of ordinary zombies, who could differentiate them from the others? In Lu Chuan's heart, this would be his biggest weapon.