Striking Celebrity

Starway Entertainment Company had a great reputation in the entertainment industry.

It wasn't a top company, but it had an influence.

The celebration banquet attracted many media outlets. In the digital age, journalists worked hard to find news topics that were of interest to the public; that was their responsibility.

They weren't interested in the usual entertainment company's internal celebration party. They could just produce one or two articles.

However, this celebration banquet by Starway Entertainment Company gave them a reason to appear. Starway Entertainment Company intended to push Zhou Yingying, who had been in the limelight recently, to the first tier.

Well, this wasn't interesting news either. After all, every company would create their own first sister and first brother.

But Ye Lingwei was involved, and that made the situation newsworthy.

Who is Ye Lingwei?

Three years ago, she was a real A-list celebrity. According to her development trend, she only needed to settle for another two to three years. With her quarter mixed-blood heritage, she had a face that was widely accepted. It was almost certain she would move out of Asia to become an international superstar.

Many things in life were unpredictable.

A famous star could be like a shooting star. In just a short three or four years, she became a second- or third-rate star, which many people hadn't expected.

Now, even her first-tier status in the company was at stake.

To the outside world, the celebration banquet seemed like a coronation banquet for Zhou Yingying.

Apart from the struggle between the two women, there was another reason for their interest. They received news that the young master of a wealthy family would be present at the celebration banquet. Who knew if he was here for Zhou Yingying or Ye Lingwei?

Wealthy family, celebrity…

The combination would give rise to many topics. It was common within the entertainment circle, but had always been a hot topic.

The excitement and ability to raise discussion attracted the journalists.

If there were sparks between this young master and one of the women, it would be sensational entertainment news. For some of them, it was bliss, representing bonuses and something to write about.

The celebration banquet had not begun, but the well-prepared journalists had already been waiting in front of the Starway Entertainment Company's building.


When the time came, celebrities of varying popularity from Starway Entertainment appeared. Countless flashes flickered, rendering this place into a grand entrance ceremony.

The various celebrities who appeared one by one had been notified that there were a lot of reporters tonight, so they were naturally very particular about dressing.

Instantly, the entrance to the company was bright and sparkly.

"There are an increasing number of artists under Starway Entertainment."

"Indeed, looking at this development trend, in three years, it is possible that they will rank among the top three entertainment companies."

"Zhou Yingying, who they have been promoting heavily, did not disappoint. Her new album set a new record. It has been on the market for less than a month and seems to be going strong."

"The first sister status will be hers soon."

"I heard that Ye Lingwei would also be here tonight. I really don't know how she's feeling."

"According to sources, the company's president, Mr. Huang, personally mandated her appearance."

"It seems like Ye Lingwei won't be able to keep her A-list status for long."

The reporters chatted briefly.

These may be insider stories to outsiders, but to the reporters in the industry, these weren't insider stories at all.

While chatting, there was a commotion in the distance.

A silver Rolls-Royce Ghost appeared, and as the car stopped in front of the red carpet at the gate, the star for tonight, Zhou Yingying, got off the Ghost with the help of her agent.

Under the light, Zhou Yingying instantly became a dazzling figure, which was extremely compelling.

The spotlights went crazy and the reporters desperately pressed the shutter of their cameras, capturing Zhou Yingying's every movement and expression.

Zhou Yingying, who was in the center of it all, flashed a natural and fitting smile, while waving her arms slightly to greet the crowd.

For today's celebration banquet, Zhou Yingying had gone all out.

It was costly to rent a Rolls-Royce Ghost. With her status, it wasn't a problem to buy one, but this sort of car could only be used in this kind of situation; it wasn't suitable for normal usage.

Aside from the Rolls-Royce Ghost was her outfit.

Not to mention that the clothes were designed by top designers, every piece of jewelry was carefully selected, all in line with her temperament and clothing. The jewelry itself cost her more than one million.

Wearing jewelry that cost a million yuan on her body added a sense of self-confidence.

Zhou Yingying was confident that tonight, she would overwhelm Ye Lingwei and become the brightest star.

Mr. Huang had been waiting at the side. When he saw Zhou Yingying's arrival, he leaned over and bent his arm slightly. Zhou Yingying naturally put her hand on Mr. Huang's arm, and the two walked toward the entrance of the building.


"As expected of Zhou Yingying, she is gorgeous, it's really rare."

"Wow, look at Zhou Yingying's jewelry, it's so beautiful."

"Look at her necklace, it's definitely the one from Handong Jewelry City. It is said that this necklace is worth more than 300,000 yuan."

"That diamond ring is so big and shiny, it's estimated to be more than 300,000."

"Zhou Yingying's earrings aren't simple either, at least a few hundred thousand."

"Sister Zhou's entire outfit would cost one million, right? It's too expensive. I think Sister Zhou is more like the first sister in the company."

At the banquet, company employees and other entertainers were all discussing the star tonight. Zhou Yingying had become the most dazzling person in the venue. Everywhere she went, there were always a bunch of artists and employees coming to greet her respectfully.

Zhou Yingying's jewel-like aura especially shocked other people.

"Sister Weiwei isn't here yet?"

Sipping a glass of red wine lightly, Zhou Yingying asked this question. She called her Sister Weiwei, but there wasn't much politeness in her tone. In this circle, she didn't need to respect Ye Lingwei, but she couldn't express it verbally.

A staff member shook his head. "Not yet, Sister Zhou."

"Heh…" Zhou Yingying chuckled lightly, and everyone could hear the sarcasm.

Not coming? That was appropriate, it would give her a little more time and opportunity.

Holding the wine, Zhou Yingying's eyes moved to the tall man in the corner who was chatting with Mr. Huang, a burning eagerness in her eyes.

Zhao Wenxuan, the second son of the Zhao Group, had been highly regarded by his father at the age of 30 as the general manager of the investment department of the Zhao Group. At the same time, he was also one of the successors to the group with more than 60 billion assets, the true son of a wealthy family.

It was said that Zhao Wenxuan intended to invest in Starway Entertainment Company to accelerate its industrialization.

Starway Entertainment had many artists, but compared to the Zhao Group that was worth tens of billions, it was insignificant.

If she could get into Zhao Wenxuan's good books, or climb into his bed, marrying into a wealthy family would no longer be a dream.

So, how could Zhou Yingying miss this opportunity?

After approaching with her wine glass, Zhou Yingying said in her softest voice, "Hello, Young Master Zhao."


There was an uproar outside

When Ye Lingwei stepped into the venue, she instantly became the focal point.

She didn't have on heavy makeup and wasn't decked in jewelry.

She wore a dress, simple makeup, and earrings and had her dark black hair down.

In spite of this, it did not hinder her grace and luxurious vibe that instantly took root in people's hearts. It was as if in people's eyes, Ye Lingwei had escaped her physical body, just like a fairy descending to the earth.

Everyone focused on Ye Lingwei.

In the field, many men gulped down their saliva, and their hearts became restless. Some of them fell into the depths of their imaginations.

At this moment, Ye Lingwei was both shocking and amazing.

In particular, the shiny, diamond-like watch on Ye Lingwei's wrist matched her and her clothes, and the visual impact made people feel Ye Lingwei's glamor.

Zhou Yingying, who was the focus of the venue before, paled in comparison.

Zhou Yingying's excessive jewelry seemed to highlight Ye Lingwei's elegant temperament even more. Compared to Ye Lingwei, Zhou Yingying seemed vulgar.

Zhao Wenxuan, who had been chatting with Zhou Yingying, walked toward Ye Lingwei with bright eyes.

Zhou Yingying's face changed, her chest rising and falling.

She spent a lot of money and effort to dress up but was instantly suppressed by Ye Lingwei. How could she accept it? More importantly, Zhao Wenxuan had left her behind.

No matter how angry she was, Zhou Yingying feigned indifference and followed Zhao Wenxuan toward Ye Lingwei. She spoke first. "Sister Weiwei, you're here?"

Ye Lingwei nodded gracefully and said, "Yingying, congratulations on your album hitting a new high."

"Sister Weiwei, you're too kind." Zhou Yingying smiled forcefully.

The artists and staff around them all cast their eyes over, eager to see the sparks.

Zhou Yingying glanced at Ye Lingwei's almost bare neck and fingers, and said with a smile, "Sister Weiwei, your dress is really beautiful, but it feels like something is missing. Oh right, jewelry. It would be more perfect if you matched it with some jewelry."

Tonight, she spent millions on jewelry, and if she didn't emphasize it, how could she weaken Ye Lingwei's influence?

"Really?" Ye Lingwei smiled slightly.

The people next to them watched quietly. As soon as Zhou Yingying's words came out, many people realized that the battle between the two of them had begun.

Zhou Yingying smiled and said, "How about this, I have a necklace that I bought for 160,000 yuan. I originally wanted to use it as a spare but now, Sister Weiwei seems to need it more than I do. Why don't you use it first?

"The one I'm wearing now is from Mr Zhang of Bailing Jewelry. It cost 380,000 yuan. I had to use connections to get it. Adding the bracelet and ring, it's only a million yuan."

In just a few words, she emphasized the great value of all her jewelry.


Some of the artists next to her were okay; although they were surprised, they didn't show it.

However, the staff all exclaimed. She casually wore more than one million on her body! No one else in the company could compete with that.

Zhao Xueyan stomped her feet in anger. Who would have thought that Zhou Yingying would be so direct. She might as well have said Sister Weiwei wasn't popular anymore and couldn't earn much, hence, she wouldn't be able to afford her jewelry.

She wasn't showing off her wealth, she was humiliating Ye Lingwei.

Ye Lingwei frowned slightly and withdrew her wrist subconsciously. The ther woman was wearing jewelry worth a million while her stud earrings were bought for only about 10,000 yuan. The watch on her wrist was even more condemning, a high-grade imitation worth one or two thousand yuan.

Thinking of this watch, Ye Lingwei felt like she was seen through. She was so guilty that she wanted to hide.

The surrounding artists and staff all put their eyes on Ye Lingwei. Indeed, as Zhou Yingying had said, Ye Lingwei's clothes were a bit shabby tonight.

After losing popularity for a few years, Ye Lingwei, whose fame had fallen, made far less money than Zhou Yingying.

Zhao Wenxuan, who had not spoken all this time, smiled faintly and said, "If I am not mistaken, Miss Ye is wearing a Vacheron Constantin Heures Créatives series watch. The retro sparkling diamonds are a very representative series by Vacheron Constantin.

"Perhaps it isn't very intuitive, but if you talk about value, you would definitely know it."

As if already aware of something, Zhou Yingying's face changed again.

Would a watch that a wealthy young master recognized be something cheap?

Everyone was intrigued by Zhao Wenxuan's words. Could there be something special about Ye Lingwei's watch?

Instantly, countless eyes focused on Ye Lingwei's wrist.

"It has a market price of four million."

Zhao Wenxuan spoke out and in that moment, Zhou Yingying felt as though lightning had struck her. The onlooking crowd was dumbfounded. The watch was worth four million?

Zhou Yingying had boosted herself high just a moment ago and now, the fall made her feel as though everyone was looking at her with an unidentified air. She wanted to find a place to hide.

Ye Lingwei's appearance changed the atmosphere of the celebration banquet.