
From the start, Lu Chuan had been prepared for the worst.

According to rumors, Zhang Depeng was a ruthless person.

He managed to frighten him away previously, but it was different this time. Zhang Dapeng was drunk and there were a dozen people with him. With more people on his side, Lu Chuan had little hope that he could control himself.

There were more than a dozen drunk, brawny young men here. If they lost control, even murder was possible.

Lu Chuan didn't want to die so carelessly, so when Zhang Depeng howled, the calm Lu Chuan issued a command.

Uncle Zombie, who had been following Lu Chuan, was still stoic and cold, his eyes hollow as ever.

When he was still, he looked like a sickly middle-aged man.


When Lu Chuan's command arrived, the zombie virus in his body began to explode.

The horror of zombies could only be experienced by survivors of the apocalypse.

But now, these people finally had the opportunity to experience it. They would be the first group in modern times to experience this and should be feeling fortunate.

Uncle Zombie took large strides forward, expressionless like a robot, shielding Lu Chuan's front.

The dozen underlings were eager, and when they received Zhang Depeng's instructions, they grew agitated. The impulsive few stretched out their hands, itching to slap Uncle Zombie.

Uncle Zombie didn't evade; instead, he stretched out his arm at the same time.


A young man slapped Uncle Zombie's face, making a crisp sound. He flashed a gleeful smile. In his opinion, the two of them wouldn't even dare to resist tonight; they would be trashed.


The next moment, the young man's complexion changed drastically, and the muscles on his face started to twitch. Because of the severe pain, tears threatened to spill from his eyes.

On his neck, three scratches appeared, and blood oozed out.

There was some skin and blood under Uncle Zombie's nails. He endured a slap, but returned it with a scratch. Scratching was just one of his attacks.

Without hesitation, Uncle Zombie waved his five fingers again and scratched the guy's chest.

There were sounds of clothes tearing, and several bloodstains.


The others were enraged and gathered around, punching and kicking Uncle Zombie.

Akin to a boat made of leaves amidst the thunderstorm, Uncle Zombie was like a sandbag. The fists and feet landed on him but he remained indifferent, machine-like, constantly raising his arms and scratching the people in front of him.

Clothes fell like snowflakes, and in the blink of an eye, several of the underlings' clothes were torn off, scratches all over their bodies.

"Ah, gosh!"

A hapless underling finally experienced a zombie's bite.

Uncle Zombie bit down on his shoulder fiercely, then ripped off a piece of meat. The pain made the hapless man tremble.

Fresh blood stained his white shirt red.

The violent Uncle Zombie did not stop at all; he ignored all the attacks that landed on him, his counterattacks extremely terrifying. He could unleash 100% of human power and just a single blow would make a person back off with a pale expression.

The scene began to turn crazy.

Lu Chuan sprinted forward, avoiding a stick swung by a strong man.

The red-eyed underling no longer used fists and feet; he pulled a stick from the side of the road and smashed at Lu Chuan. If the stick struck him, Lu Chuan would definitely be lying in the hospital for ten days to a month.

Without stopping, Lu Chuan ran wildly. He only needed to hold on till Uncle Zombie reversed the situation.


Uncle Zombie made the first sound since his arrival to the modern times. He was also in a state of madness. His arms continued to rise, smash down fiercely, or sweep across.

Everyone that was struck cried out in pain.


Uncle Zombie's cruelty made Zhang Depeng's eyes turn red. A dozen of his guys went against him, but he knocked them all down. If word of this spread, Zhang Depeng wouldn't be able to continue this business; he would be relegated back to his hometown as a farmer.

Zhang Depeng grabbed a wooden stick that had been supporting a tree from the side of the road, ran a few steps and rushed behind Uncle Zombie. Under the influence of alcohol, he seemed out of control, and smashed hard at Uncle Zombie's back.


There was a loud noise, and the back of Uncle Zombie's shirt shattered.


Uncle Zombie turned around as if nothing had happened, and his hollow eyes fell on Zhang Depeng's body. He raised his arm and hit Zhang Depeng's shoulder hard, almost breaking his collarbone.

"Ah!" Zhang Depeng cried out in pain. He looked at Uncle Zombie as if he was a monster, disbelief in his eyes.

Zhang Depeng knew his strength. With that blow, Uncle Zombie would either be crippled or vomit blood. But what did he see? The look on Uncle Zombie's face remained unchanged, cold and aloof, as if the stick hadn't struck him.

And those hollow eyes made Zhang Depeng shiver once again, a fear rising in his heart.

Uncle Zombie was like a monster that couldn't be killed.

What Zhang Depeng couldn't accept was that Uncle Zombie had crushed more than a dozen of his men. All the punches and kicks became a joke. He was obviously beaten and was about to fall, but he got up and immersed himself in the fight.

Only then did Zhang Depeng realize that this ruthless man was the maniac middle-aged man that had stabbed himself twice without hesitation.

How could he fight against such a cruel person?

"Die, die!"

A brawny man who took a punch from Uncle Zombie had lost control under the influence of alcohol. He took out a switchblade from his pocket and pressed the switch, the blade bouncing out.

In the light, the switchblade was snowy white.

Roaring, the brawny man rushed to Uncle Zombie, and without hesitation, he stabbed Uncle Zombie's abdomen with the switchblade.


The switchblade did not hinder him, piercing through Uncle Zombie's abdomen.

"Ahhhhh…!" The brawny young man, who had fallen into a state of madness, wore a twisted expression. He wasn't satisfied with just one stab and carried on stabbing manically.

Ever since the first stab, Uncle Zombie had stopped moving, allowing the young man to go crazy.

Zhang Depeng and the others, who were still excited seconds ago, watched their crazy accomplice with wide eyes, their minds blank. They seemed silly, their movements freezing.

He killed someone.

This thought occupied their brains.

They watched the madness of their accomplice as he dealt one stab after another. After a dozen stabs, even a deity would be stabbed to death.

Zhang Depeng and the others shivered, and a chill spilled from their hearts.

Fighting was a public order crime, but now death was involved. Even though it wasn't caused by them, they wouldn't be able to escape punishment and would be jailed for at least several years. With their criminal records, a court sentence of ten years wasn't an impossibility.

Uncle Zombie fell onto the street.

The brawny man holding the switchblade stood trembling in place

Looking at what he had done, he finally came back to his senses. A feeling called fear engulfed him and his mind went blank.

Murder, he murdered someone.


Zhang Depeng and the others' second thought was to run.

The half drunk group seemed to have woken up from their stupor.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then, like frightened rabbits, they ran away, fleeing the crime scene desperately. They wouldn't worry about it for now; in their minds, they had to flee first.

The brawny man who stabbed Uncle Zombie threw away the switchblade and ran away with a pale face.

The two or three people who had been chasing Lu Chuan fled as well. After such a big thing happened, only a fool would stick around. They wouldn't want the police to catch them.

A dozen of them disappeared from the street in seconds.


Lu Chuan panted. He bent his knees and looked at the group who had left as the aftershocks filled him. Tonight, if he hadn't brought Uncle Zombie and was confronted, what would the consequences be?

"Get up." After calming slightly, Lu Chuan gave the order.

Not far away, Uncle Zombie was lying on the ground.

After receiving Lu Chuan's instructions, Uncle Zombie, who had been stabbed dozens of times and was sprawled out with eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes and got up.

If he looked closely, Uncle Zombie's clothes were ragged, but the skin where his abdomen was stabbed was moving, and the shocking wounds soon healed. The skin returned to its original state.

Even his clothes had mysteriously been restored to their original condition.


Uncle Zombie let out a low growl, growing frustrated.

If Zhang Depeng and the others saw this, their eyes would fall out from shock.

Uncle Zombie was stabbed in the abdomen more than a dozen times, injuries that would definitely kill him, but he was unharmed, not a single wound remaining. It was beyond anyone's imagination.

It's a pity their minds were filled with murder and they had fled far away.

Lu Chuan looked at the state Uncle Zombie was in and knew that he was hungry.

He needed energy to heal his injuries.

The incident tonight gave Lu Chuan a clear understanding of the abilities zombies had in modern times. Zombies had immortal bodies, but it would be difficult for them to win against a large group of enemies. In the event they were outnumbered, they could only accept a beating.

Uncle Zombie was beaten badly just now. If it weren't for his zombie body, he would have been defeated.

Obviously, an ordinary zombie alone wouldn't be able to protect Lu Chuan.

The next time he went out, he would bring at least two zombies. If a similar situation occurred, he would deal with it much more camly. If possible, after the mutated zombies were unlocked, he would replace Uncle Zombie with them.

The abilities of mutated zombies would definitely be on the next level and would be better for protecting himself.

In addition…

He would remember this debt Zhang Depeng owed him.

After the biochemical plant survived the zombie attack crisis, he would find time to settle the score properly.

Fortunately, Uncle Zombie's virus had been isolated and wouldn't infect anyone, otherwise the people injured tonight would cause a sensation.

"Let's go, I'll treat you to a big meal."

Lu Chuan waved his hand and strode ahead. Regardless of whether Uncle Zombie had heard it or not, in Lu Chuan's heart, he was grateful to him. If he wasn't around tonight, he would have been badly injured if not killed.

Uncle Zombie maintained a blank expression and followed Lu Chuan closely.