The Final Outcome and the Subsidiary Feature (1)

The GPS showed that the Mystery Branch Institute that Xu Tui was at was 15.7 kilometers away from the Genetic Research Institute. The journey took 21 minutes.

Xu Tui's first reaction was to call for a maglev taxi. Even though it was a little expensive, Xu Tui was a man who had just received a large sum of 550,000 dollars. However, Xu Tui only took one look before he silently got onto a public bicycle on the campus. He had to scan the QR code.

The maglev taxi was fast, but according to the software, there were currently 42 people in the queue. He would have to wait for roughly 42 to 63 minutes.

Fine, he has to go there by bicycle. The journey was estimated to take 70 minutes.

It's not slow. He did not waste any time. More importantly, he could save money.

Then, like Chai Xiao, Xu Tui rode the bicycle at a speed that could rival a car.