I’ll Take A Video (1)

"Mr. Wen, can I nominally challenge a student?"

Following Deng Wei's words, the 800-odd first-year students of the Mystery Branch turned their heads toward the middle back row in unison. Their gazes all landed on Xu Tui.

Xu Tui was speechless.

It seemed like the students knew that Senior Deng Wei was going to challenge him even without his name being called out. Of course, it was mainly because the video of the new student beating up the entire Extreme Branch Institute was too popular.

There were over 50,000 comments. Based on the number of posts, every student in the school had sent a reply.

Of course, many students from the Extreme Branch Institute furiously roared that they could crush Xu Tui and beat him to death. There were hundreds of comments like that. Some even got +10,086.

This caused Xu Tui to become a famous student in the Mystery Branch Institute.

That's right, a famous student.