Whoever Comes Would Die! (1)

Xu Tui met Cheng Mo at the school gates at 6:45.

Actually, according to the management requirements of most genetic evolution colleges, new students were forbidden from leaving the school during the three-month growth period. They had to go through closed-door training.

The main reason was safety.

Within the growth period of three months, new students who had just been administered with the Genetic Compound Chain Allele Elixir would still be malleable. They were also the target of abduction by the Dawn Salvation and other traitor organizations.

However, the Huaxia Genetic Evolution College was different.

Why was it different?

Xu Tui had asked the guard, Master Qin, about this question when he was on his way to the Genetic Research Institute from school. The guard, Master Qin, gave Xu Tui a sideways glance and replied, "Who would dare to court death in the capital of the Huaxia Sector? Whoever comes will die!"