Whoever Comes Will Die! (3)

"It's not illegal, is it?"

"Of course it's not illegal. Merit points aren't allowed to be traded, but it doesn't say that items exchanged with merit points aren't allowed to be traded," Chai Xiao said.

"Then I'll meet him."

Xu Tui had almost 1,000 merit points in his possession. In terms of value, they were extremely valuable. However, it was too much of a loss to exchange them for a Level E Energy Restoration Elixir that he desperately needed. It was really not worth it!

If he had a channel like Chai Xiao said, he would first exchange his merit points for rare items, then convert them into cash, and then use it to purchase Level E Energy Restoration Elixirs.

If it was legal, it would be a good path. It could solve Xu Tui's current emergency. No matter what, he had to get to know him first.

Chai Xiao made a call on the spot.