The Relationship Between Perception Instantiation and Huaxia's Ancient Dao Technique (3)

Xu Tui wanted to ask more questions, but Qu Qingshan once again rejected him. "Don't ask too much about the matters of the extra-terrestrial. We have signed confidentiality agreements and some very mysterious restrictions.

"You'll definitely have a chance to go anyway. You'll know when you get there."

At this point, Qu Qingshan, who had reacted, became angry. "Look, you made me digress. I said I was going to give you a lecture. Don't interrupt me."

Xu Tui quickly expressed that he would listen attentively.

However, Qu Qingshan thought for a moment before rubbing his forehead and saying helplessly, "By the way, where were we?"

"Mr. Qu, you're talking about visualization."

"Yes, visualization. To a certain extent, you can visualize everything you want, and you can materialize anything you visualize," Qu Qingshan said.

"Everything I want will come true?" Xu Tui concluded.