Is This The Talent Of A Year One Dragon? (1)

Xu Tui jumped into the deep-water zone. When he sank to a depth of five meters, he gently grabbed onto the handrail at the edge of the pool. He was prepared to enter meditation and switch to the illusory introspective state. Then, he would sense his surroundings.

However, Xu Tui felt something strange the moment he entered meditation.

The sound of splashing water could be heard. Qi Sheng, who did not even have his goggles on, was staring coldly at Xu Tui not far away. Even without goggles, Qi Sheng's vision underwater was not affected at all.

Underwater was the home ground of water-type supernatural beings.

Xu Tui was immediately annoyed, even angry.

This Qi Sheng was too shameless.

Firstly, Qi Sheng was a water-type supernatural being. The bottom of the water was his home ground. Secondly, there were no cameras at the bottom of the water. Furthermore, it was very easy for accidents to happen in the ultra-deep water area.