Penetration Perception and Physical Flight (3)

However, that was not all.

After observing many aspects of the operation of the quantum entanglement state, he already understood that the Heart Sword Heart Eye of the Genetic Miracle was actually just the most preliminary use of the quantum entanglement state.

However, the operating state of the quantum entanglement state that Xu Tui had sensed and seen just now was extremely comprehensive. He saw the formation and growth of the small quantum entanglement state. He also saw the expansion, resonance, response, and frequency of the quantum entanglement state.

This feeling was extremely precious.

However, what was even more precious was the feeling of Xu Tui's penetrating perception being split into two by the quantum portal.

Xu Tui's penetrating perception could sense his situation on the moon. At the same time, he could also sense the situation of Phobos' quantum portal and even those who came later while he was on the Moon.