Natural Guide

As the underground seal of the Spiritual Race's forward operating base was opened and the underground tunnel collapsed, there were no more secrets in the general base of the pioneer raiders.

Xu Tui asked Ah Huang to leave a clone behind and controlled the robots to continue building the general base. He then brought the others and quickly returned to Planet Liuxia.

They could not afford to lose Planet Peach.

Before this, Xu Tui and the Huaxia Sector had already made a clear distribution of rights to the quantum teleportation channel between Planet Kono and Planet Liuxia.

The Huaxia Sector was responsible for the daily safety and maintenance of the quantum teleportation channel that led to Planet Liuxia.

If anyone wanted to pass through and head to Planet Liuxia, the Huaxia Sector had to inform the pioneer raiders and obtain their permission.