Surrounding Wei to Save Zhao

After years of war in the Milky Way, the Muya Clan still had a high level of war quality.

These qualities of war had been engraved into their flesh and blood through bloody battle after bloody battle. For example, the strong and high-ranking existences had priority in choosing. They would always guarantee the interests of the strongest. The weak had to have the resolve of the weak.

However, in war, the responsibility of covering the retreat had to be done by the strong under many circumstances. The strong could not retreat first. If all the experts retreated first, it would cause a huge collapse in the current war.

This was the current situation. After the commander-in-chief of the Muya Solar System Expeditionary Force, Dylin, gave the order to retreat, the other quasi-planetary and Transmutation Realm experts retreated to the Water Origin Palace in an extremely chaotic manner.