Ceres Star Combat Plan

The next day was October 1st.

In front of the square of the capital, even though the sky was still dark, there was already a crowd. Be it An Xiaoxue, Yan Lie, Yan Xuejin, or Zhao Hailong, they had all broken through to the Planetary realm. However, they still had a headache facing such a turbulent crowd.

After all, they could not use their supernatural abilities here. However, with the help of his mental perception, everyone quickly met up with Xu Tui.

"Commander, gather here? What are we doing?" After gathering, Yan Lie was a little puzzled.

"Here, have you forgotten?" Xu Tui pointed at the flagpole in the distance. Zhao Hailong was the first to react. He immediately became serious. "Today is our National Day. It's rare for us to come back. Let's watch the flag-raising ceremony!"


Everyone immediately became solemn.