The Secret of the Abnormal Load of Mind Power

After using Painted Skin's head to pay tribute to Luo Shifeng, Xu Tui and An Xiaoxue went to visit Mother Luo again. However, he only observed from afar and did not appear. Xu Tui was afraid that Mother Luo would remember something sad when she saw Xu Tui.

Under the care of Zhuang Ziqiang, Mother Luo was living a good life now. She had two puppies and walked the dogs every morning. In the afternoon, she went to the square to dance. Sometimes, she would even play cards with her old friends.

Xu Tui basically did not interfere in the internal affairs of the Blue Star now.

All the non-cultivation resources that he had obtained from Xu Tui, including the Worldly Demon Slayers, especially those that needed to be handled within the Blue Star, were handed over to Zhuang Ziqiang.