The Fourth Iron Blood Plan (2)

This kind of combat style that was purely tempting fate was completely different from the Muyas that Xu Tui knew. "Enlarge the image a little. Switch to multiple screens. I want the image behind too."

A staff officer immediately carried out Xu Tui's orders and introduced the scene behind him.

"These guys in purple should be at the highest level of the Muyas." There were four purple-robed bishops of the Muyas in the middle of the battlefield. Xu Tui even saw his old acquaintance, Klens. He also saw 23 red-robed bishops.

These red-robed cardinals were all powerful Nine Satellites Planetary realm. The ground was blood-red. It was filled with the blood of the Muyas after they died in battle. It was ten kilometers from here. The deaths of more than 100,000 Muyas had already formed a large sea of blood at the Heavenly Gate in the west.