A war triggered by an auction

The auction began and someone immediately made a bid.

the Eagle Guild bids 30000 gold coins.

The one who shouted was a female battle doctor. The moment she opened her mouth, the price immediately tripled, showing a determined attitude.

tsk tsk, isn't the Eagle Guild known as the nouveau riche Guild? they're only bidding 30000 gold coins. Who are they looking down on? this is an intermediate mechanic. Our country bumpkin, the wandering Alliance, is bidding 35000 gold coins. The man in nano casual clothes looked at the female doctor provocatively.

The female battle doctor's expression was a little ugly. She gritted her teeth and said, " "Thirty-six thousand."

The Eagle Guild and the wandering Alliance seemed to be in a fight. As soon as you shouted, I immediately increased the price.

Immediately, the price rose and quickly reached 56000.