Chapter 92-do something big

The plan could not keep up with the changes.

By the time li xiaonian returned to Star Wind, it was already evening. His mother's legs had recovered, and she could walk freely. She couldn't wait to take her family shopping.

The scene changed.

Li xiaonian reappeared inside the shadow and asked impatiently, " "Little ya, how's our Star Films project going?"

Xiao Ya spun around happily and chuckled, " "Of course it's going to go smoothly. "More than 100 million mechanical nanobugs have spread all over the star Wind continent, and we've already successfully absorbed 36414 people so far. There are only 103 idle Inhumans, of which only three are suitable for Star Shadow. I'm still in the process of investigating these three, and I haven't contacted them yet."

The first thought that came to li xiaonian's mind was 'so little'.