Chapter 131 the energy cannon

Crack ~~

Boom ~~

Li xiaonian heard the deafening sound of the Shadow's activation.

A moment later, there was no more movement.

At the same time, Xiao Ya's excited voice sounded in his ear,""Captain, the shadow has successfully entered the void. The mass-energy cannon is still charging, but there's a small problem. If we fire at it, the Lord of hell will die, but your friend little kitten will also die. If you don't want her to die, you can return to your world and inform her to retreat 100 kilometers. Also, use all means to defend against the impact of the mass cannon."

"Um ... I'll go and inform her now. You keep an eye on her and don't let her die easily. She still has the dark matter energy we need."

Li xiaonian left the remote area and wanted to find a hotel to log off.

All of a sudden, a wolfwalker player stopped li xiaonian with two of his subordinates. He said with a haughty look, " "June, our guild leader wants to see you."