Chapter 268 robbery

After much thought, li xiaonian could only send the [ Titan plate armor ] to wind chimes.

Titan plate armor

[ grade: bronze ]

[ defence: 20 ]


Strength +2

[ durability: 200/200 ]

[ usage requirement: level 8, defensive equipment ]

beauty, I'll trade this equipment with you and give you some domain coins. What do you think? "

After sending the message, li xiaonian waited anxiously.

On the other side, Windling saw the attributes of the plate armor. Although he was envious, he still pouted."What's the point of having equipment that I can't use? 'Weapon, the weapon in your hand. Don't take me for a fool. You were able to break through the fire Titan's defense and take down the BOSS. From this, it can be seen that your weapon's attributes are very strong.' Give me the weapon and I'll make up for the difference. I won't let you suffer a loss."


Li xiaonian was speechless.