Chapter 279 fishing in troubled waters

The second round's reward was generous, which meant that the last round would be even more generous.

He checked the item's attributes.

[ strength pill ]: after consumption, strength +5;

[ experience scroll ], contains 10000 experience points, can be used immediately.

After looking at the item's attributes, li xiaonian silently handed the [ strength pill ] and the [ experience scroll ] to MA pingchu.

Naturally, MA pingchu did not stand on ceremony and accepted the item. When he saw the details of the item, he frowned.

Li xiaonian thought for a moment and then traded the [ undead gaze ] and the sniper rifle to the other party. He explained,"The big gift bag gave an attribute bonus, [ cultivation speed +2 ], which can't be traded. I'll return this sniper rifle to you and give you another 80000 domain coins."