A very weak look

There was no one blocking the road, and the Jeep charged straight ahead.

On the narrow road, a large number of biochemical beasts gathered in the forest on both sides. The biochemical beasts were chasing the Jeep.

The further they went, the heavier the hearts of the four members of the Tian Mu team became.


Tian Mu cut down the incoming biochemical beast with a single slash. Hei lang and Luo yeye were unwilling to be outdone and displayed their own abilities.

no, it's only five o 'clock now. There's still an hour before we reach the stronghold. The sun hasn't really set yet, and the biochemical beast is already so crazy. It'll be even darker when it gets dark. We definitely can't leave. We have to think of another way. A hint of anxiety appeared on Tian MU's calm face. "Everyone, think about how we can go back alive."




The other three people were silent.