The power of the devil

The heavily injured nimi was no match for Sallu. He only managed to run a short distance before Sallu's violent power shattered his body into pieces and turned him into nothing.

An eighth-grade warrior could still survive if their head and body were separated. However, if their body was broken, especially the crystal core at their heart, it meant they were dead.

Whoosh ~

Sallu's figure floated and appeared in front of li xiaonian. He sneered,""The demon Slayer Pirates are just so-so,"

The Black Widow was nailed to the tree by the flying Daggers, unable to move at all. Li xiaonian's heart was pierced by the flying Daggers. His heart shattered, and his life force slowly faded away.

At this moment, he had no ability to resist at all. He could only lie limply on the Black Widow's back.