The fall of the star Lord

With the black hole-level nether flute, li xiaonian was very confident that he wouldn't need to hide when he faced the three-eyed Star Lord again. He could face him directly.

I should buy a spaceship as soon as possible and return to the ten thousand Saints star field to meet my wife ... And my son. I hope they're safe.

Whoosh ~

Li xiaonian continued his journey by walking in the void. According to the interstellar map's instructions, he was heading to the next technological planet. The next planet was called [planet Orego], and the star Master was a woman named Helen.

Star Master Helen is a female. She should be easier to talk to.

Li xiaonian quickened his pace at this thought.

However, on the third day of walking in the void, li xiaonian suddenly sensed something. He frowned and stopped.

A moment later, two figures appeared one after another.