An unsolvable level ability (1)

Lu Xin put down his tablet after reading through all the information and picked up the aptitude user analysis report.

"How is it?" the lizard asked after a long while.

Lu Xin looked at him in surprise and asked, ""What do you mean by" how is it "?"

"I'm saying ..."

The lizard held the steering wheel with one hand and gestured with the other."How do you feel after reading the information?"

nothing much. There's not much useful information in this ...

Lu Xin shook his head and replied calmly, ""It looks like we still have to go over and take a look ourselves."

In his opinion, there was nothing useful in this document.

It was necessary to report to the headquarters about his schedule and work progress.

However, at this point, it was no longer of much use.

Since they had agreed to let him out, the headquarters had naturally tacitly agreed that he was in charge of this mission.