Don't look down on me just because I'm a sheep (4000 words) _1

For people who did not understand the wilderness, leaving the high-wall city alone was a very dangerous thing.

However, Lu Xin had already experienced leaving the city once, so it shouldn't be too dangerous.

It was his first time out of the city, and the outside world had left a good impression on him. Although Blackwater town was indeed a little chaotic, the town's Lord snake was very reasonable and warm to people. Not only did he cooperate with his work, but he also gave him a lot of local specialties before he left.

Even if it was happy Town ...

.. Forget about that. He still had to avoid a place like happy Town if he could.



He rode his motorcycle out of the steel suspension bridge.

Lu Xin looked at the winding path that led to an unknown place and called out softly, ""A map."

A bunch of data popped up on the left lens of the glasses and then gathered toward the center, finally intersecting into countless lines and squares.