The Beginning

On the top floor of the hotel, Tang Hong looked out from a distance.

The streets of the Imperial Capital under the night were decorated with all sorts of lights.

Neon lights were flashing everywhere complemented by the lights from the cars stuck in busy traffic.

After watching for a while, Tang Hong withdrew his gaze and he returned onto the edge of his bed.

The floor of the hotel's standard room was carpeted. The light brown color of the carpet could help a person relax. He rubbed on the carpet and he couldn't help but imagine what was the situation in the special training camp would be like in two hours.

No one knew where the special training camp was going to be held and how they were going there.

Silence fell on everyone on the top floor of the hotel.

Everyone patiently waited.

"Someone will come to pick us up, right?"

Tang Hong pressed his temples.

The pressure of Willpower on his nerves didn't increase nor decrease.

He began to practice the Fist Technique.

This Transcendent Technique was actually quite simple.

He only needed to concentrate his whole body's strength onto his fist. At the same time, he needed to completely relax his whole body. He just had to reach the state of not tensing up his body, and not deliberately directing his strength.

He had to practice the technique in a very natural manner.

Achieving this signified that he had reached the minimum standard of the Fist Technique.

After that, if he could make a bang when he punched out while training.

He would be able to switch between 'fast and slow' on his own and started to learn how to use vibration in his technique. That would be the intermediate standard of the technique.

As for the advanced standard—that required him to create echoes with each punch.

"It's too difficult."

Tang Hong was familiarizing himself with the nuances of his body as he estimated the realm of advanced standard. 'Creating echoes with each punch has extremely high requirements physical-wise. I still have a very long way from that standard. With my current strength, I'm unable to create fist echoes with every punch.'

Two months should be enough.

After breaking the limit of Willpower, he shall then break the limit of Strength.


'Does the percentage value of Strength represent the limits of the human body or the limit of Strength itself?' Tang Hong jotted down this question in his heart. He was planning on finding out the answer to this question in the special training camp.

His thoughts changed to something else.

He recalled that early in the morning when he wore that training suit that Fang Nanxun gave him, he reached the minimum standard in less than five minutes.

Furthermore, his Fist Technique directly improved to the intermediate standard.

Such terrifying progress and it was all just because of a set of clothes.

Wearing exercise clothes and casual clothes actually made such a big difference…

When this thought appeared, Tang Hong started to have doubts in his mind.

Thinking about it carefully, he immediately found a loophole.


That wasn't training clothes!

With a flash of inspiration, the corner of his eyes throbbed.

Tang Hong suddenly stood up. "That was the smell of disinfectant. It's hospital clothing!"

Willpower wasn't wisdom or knowledge, but it could keep a person calm.

As long as the person was truly calm while thinking about something, he would be more objective, sharper, and more logical than usual.

'Why the need to lie to me?'

'Could there another reason?'

'As soon as Dr. Sang left, Fang Nanxun found an excuse to stuff me a set of medical clothing and told me that the previous nine failures were due to me not wearing proper training clothes.'


'They wanted me to practice alone?!'

With his heart beating wildly, Tang Hong picked up his phone and dialed Fang Nanxun's cell phone number directly.

The call was answered.

Fang Nanxun asked, "What's wrong?"

"Why did you ask me to wear those clothes? Why was I able to instantly reach the minimum standard just by wearing hospital clothing?" Tang Hong asked frankly.

On the other side—Fang Nanxun—who was in Yunhai City was silent for a moment.

He thought that he could hide it for a while, but it was seen through by Tang Hong in less than a day.

Tang Hong truly was a natural-born Transcendent.

Reaching the entry standard and then the intermediate standard was a happy event that was akin to becoming the top scholar of the year. Yet, he could think through things calmly while being in such a surprised and happy mood. This truly wasn't easy.

It should be known that most people would subconsciously refuse to accept the truth.

"You are nervous."

Fang Nanxun said solemnly. "It's thanks to Dr. Sang that we could find out the crux of the matter. When I am by your side, you will be nervous. We can say that it is an unknown type of tension that affects the way your body exerts its strength. I don't understand more than this."


Tang Hong couldn't help but laugh. "Why would I be nervous?"

"Subconsciously nervous? Dr. Sang only said that this isn't nervousness in a normal sense. You can ask him about the specific details next time." Fang Nanxun instructed and hung up.

Inside the room, Tang Hong frowned.

He knew that nervousness was just for appearance.

'Practicing the Fist Technique is only effective when I do it alone…'

Dong Dong!

The sound of knocking suddenly came from the door.

"Tang Hong~"

"Tang Hong~"

"Tang Hong~"

Tang Hong faintly heard a soft voice outside the door calling him.

"Jiang Lulu? Why is she here?"

Opening the door, Tang Hong said, "Fan Yu said that we should wait patiently in the room. We need to stand at the door and wait at 11:50 PM. That's only an hour away."


Jiang Lulu spat out her pinkish little tongue.

"It's so annoying!"

Jiang Lulu squeezed into the room.

"I went to find Guo Bojun and the others, but they didn't open the door. Damn it, they thought that opening the door for me was a part of the camp entrance test, morons!"

Tang Hong: "…"

Tang Hong welcomed Jiang Lulu into the room and patted the light-colored bed. "What do you want to do?"

"I'm bored, let's play games." Jiang Lulu took out a deck of cards from behind her.

She jumped onto the bed cheerfully and kicked her sandals to the floor.

Tang Hong couldn't help but smile.

He had lived alone for a long time and was used to being alone.

It was a pleasant feeling to meet a girl like Jiang Lulu who didn't seem to care about the world.

"Aren't you afraid that I will do something to you?"

Tang Hong sighed.

Jiang Lulu triumphantly took out the anti-pervert spray and a small portable electric baton.

"Sure, go ahead. Do you think I'm afraid of you?"

"Electric baton?"

Tang Hong's eyes lit up. He leaned directly in front of Jiang Lulu to snatch away the electric baton. Turning on the button, he gently poked it at his arm under Jiang Lulu's horrified gaze.

Jiang Lulu shouted halfway. "Stop! Stop! You want to die!?"

Her voice stopped abruptly.

Because Tang Hong only shivered twice, his face was slightly ruddy.

He looked like he was in pleasure.

'Fang Nanxun was right.'

'There isn't any way to display Willpower on the outside.'

Willpower wasn't magic nor something that could be used to cultivate to become an Immortal, however, it was a power hidden in everyone's daily lives.

Willpower was a restraint.

Restraint against temptation. Even if the limit of Willpower was broken, if there is no physical foundation of the body, the person would look no different from an ordinary person…

Tang Hong looked down at his arm.

His strong muscles repelled some of the electric currents and his strong Willpower made him endure the pain.

In the very next moment, he looked up.

Jiang Lulu's big round eyes came into his sight.

"Y-y-y-you… T-T-Transcendent?!"

Jiang Lulu's brain went blank and she stuttered.

"How is it possible for me to become a Transcendent so fast?" Tang Hong said, "Did you not realize that I only used the weakest current possible through that baton?"

"T-t-t-that's still very powerful…" Jiang Lulu continued to stutter.

As she said this, she quietly came closer to Tang Hong and poked on his arm twice with her fingertips.

Then, she said with much hesitation…

"Can I touch it?"


She asked the question after she had just finished poking his arm.

What kind of wiring does her brain have?

Tang Hong turned off the electric baton and returned it to Jiang Lulu.

Putting away the electric baton, Jiang Lulu thought for a while and said, "I have to go now."

Did she get scared?

Tang Hong laughed in amusement as she sent her out.

He watched her return to her room.

The hotel room's silence resumed.

Time passed bit by bit in silence.

Soon enough, the time reached 11:50 PM.

Countdown to the special training camp: Zero.


Tang Hong gently opened the door.

Ka. Ka. Ka.

The doors of all the rooms on the topmost floor of the hotel also opened one after another. It was as if it was an agreed exercise.

The long and straight corridor looked very neat and orderly.

At a glance, there were about fifty people on the floor

From the looks of it—in addition to this hotel—there seemed to be other meeting points.

"This special training camp has at least 200 people."

Tang Hong silently estimated.

Out of the corner of his eye, he swept across the members of the special training camp on his left and right. They looked very familiar to him. They were all people from Yunhai City. When he looked at those members further away, he didn't know any of them.

No one was talking loudly. Everyone was observing each other.

The chirping Jiang Lulu also wrinkled her face and stood straight.

Guo Bojun was in a suit. There seemed to be an ordinary but luxurious suitcase at his feet.

At this moment, four or five stern-looking people in black formal wear appeared on both sides of the corridor. Two of them walked along the middle of the passage to review the number of people.

Then, they took out a dedicated camera and seemingly wanted to check their photos to confirm the identity of the people who were present.

Immediately afterwards, the two of them pushed a cart into the corridor.

Inside the cart were neatly folded clothes.

Each set of clothes had a name on them.

It was obviously a dark black training suit made in advance. The clothing was very thick.


"Come get your own clothes." A middle-aged woman stood up and announced loudly. "Now, all of you, go back to your rooms. I give you all three minutes. When the time's up, I only want to see you and the clothes you've just received. All other items are to be left inside the room."

Everyone, including Tang Hong, was surprised.

This manner of doing things was really quite astonishing.


Guo Bojun raised his hand to call on some attention.

He then asked. "Where should I put my suitcase?"

The middle-aged woman turned her head and replied, "You will see your suitcase when you come out of the special training camp. Are there any more questions?"


Guo Bojun didn't ask any more questions.

He just lowered his head and said nothing.

In order to get a slot for him to enter this special training camp, his father used many favors and even embezzled the company's funds. He couldn't be willful now.

Before leaving, he heard from his big brother that in total—19 million Hua dollars was spent to get him this recommendation slot.

Moments later, everyone had changed into their assigned clothes.

"There is a helicopter waiting on the rooftop."

"The helicopter will send you all to the special training camp."

"Next. If I read your name, please go to the rooftop to board the plane immediately…"

The middle-aged woman said blandly.

"Tang Hong."

"Jiang Lulu."

She read the names one by one in the order of the list and 30 people were quickly called up.

The large helicopter could carry up to 30 passengers.

As for using a transport plane, that would be too conspicuous and it wouldn't be allowed to enter the airspace of the Imperial Capital at all.

Hu! Hu! Hu!

On the last night of June, the moonlight was bright and clear, but fierce winds were howling on the rooftop, blowing away the sultry heat.

It also blew away the anxiety in everyone's hearts.

Because on the rooftop, there was really a large helicopter casually parked.

"Is this really necessary?"

Tang Hong's eyes went wide

It should be known that the Yellow River organization was a non-governmental organization.

They were just traveling to the special training camp yet they were already using such an imposing aircraft. Wasn't this too much of a fuss? He suddenly remembered the news that Fan Yu had said in the train station to the Imperial Capital during the day

'This batch's special training camp was being targeted.'

'Danger is present.'

'Who was targeting the camp?'

'Wasn't the special training camp a place to train people to fight back against the gods?'

Tang Hong—who thought he had known the truth—felt that everything was unclear at this moment.

The mysterious and unknown world seemed to have just only revealed the tip of its abyss.

Tang Hong boarded the helicopter.

To be frank, he was afraid of heights.

Fortunately, his strong Willpower dispelled his panic.

This caused Tang Hong to remain calm.

"Strange, how come this helicopter has no windows?"

After the 30 of them boarded, the helicopter flew off into the night. After flying for about forty minutes, it landed slowly. The hatch opened and two medium-sized passenger buses were already waiting outside.

There were still no windows inside the bus.

It was impossible to even estimate the direction from where they were going. From exiting the helicopter to entering the bus, there wasn't any time to observe their position.

If only he had a compass with him…

Tang Hong sighed in a low voice.

Beside him, Jiang Lulu gnashed her teeth but ultimately said nothing.

She felt a little motion sick.

"The speed of this bus." Jiang Lulu felt the vibration of the bus and came to a surprising conclusion. "It is moving at more than 100 kilometers per hour. Isn't it dangerous to drive so fast in the middle of the night like this?"

There was dead silence inside the bus.

No one spoke.

Another hour passed.


The bus braked abruptly and the back door opened.

A huge camp appeared right in front of their eyes!