Victoria's Confession!

Jordan could tell that Cory, as a businessman, had little in common with a jobless man like him.

However, he wanted to get to know Victoria through Jordan.

Jordan said, "No problem. When are you coming back to Orlando? I'll invite you and Miss Clarke for a meal together."

Cory said, "Give me a moment while I check my schedule. The earliest I can return is the day after tomorrow."

Jordan said, "Cory, can you not tell your wife about your return to Orlando for now?"

Baffled, Cory asked, "Why? I'll have to report to her in advance every time I come home from a business trip. Otherwise, she'll be upset."

"My wife loves me very much, and she'll come to the airport to pick me up whenever I'm back. She said that she enjoys the feeling of welcoming her husband home."

Jordan sneered. 'Oh Cory, you fool, you've been kept in the dark for so many years, and you're still clueless!"

'Why did your wife ask you to tell her in advance?'