Not A Simple Man!

Jordan had been lying in ambush in the villa and had been waiting for a long time!

After kicking the door open, Jordan immediately turned on the bedroom light. It got a clear glimpse of the man's appearance.

Unlike what Hailey said, he wasn't an average-looking man but a very handsome one who had a somewhat feminine charm.

He also had long hair and not a buzzcut.

Of course, it was possible that he had a buzzcut last year and had merely grown his hair out this year.

Jordan found the man somewhat familiar-looking for a moment, but he had really never met him before.

This person, too, could not be Jordan's enemy.


When the man saw Jordan, he was obviously caught off guard and startled by Jordan's sudden appearance, so he immediately got off the bed.

Jordan looked at the man with a cold gaze and exclaimed ruthlessly, "Punk, today is the day you will die!"