Brad: Grandpa, Save Me!



Brad was still whistling tirelessly, but the more he whistled, the more hopeless he felt.

"What's going on? Where are my underlings? Why haven't they come in yet?"

Jordan said to Brad, "Your underlings won't be able to come in. Let's go. Since I said I'd send you to heaven, I will fulfill my promise."

Jordan and Salvatore forcefully brought Brad into the UFO.

Afterward, Salvatore got into the driver's seat while Brad sat in the passenger seat.

Soon, Salvatore took off directly and flew into the air again.

"Wow, Uncle is leaving with Uncle Baldie!" Chloe raised her head and looked at the disc getting smaller and smaller in the sky.

On the other hand, Lauren was worried about Jordan's safety. "Jordan…"

Jordan said to Lauren, "Don't worry, he won't die."

If Jordan wanted to kill him, he wouldn't have used such a troublesome method, but this time's punishment was enough to appease Jordan.