Date With The Holy Maiden!

The man's sinister face was very terrifying. He smashed the things in Lota's room.

The woman held the man's arm and said, "Hubby, even if Jordan took away Lota's first time, you can't kill him. He's a Deity!"

The man said disdainfully, "So what if he's a Deity?! Jordan obviously hasn't realized his ability yet. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been almost controlled by Mom!"

The woman nodded with a wicked smile. "That's right. We can use this opportunity to capture him and use him for our purposes!"

The man calmed down and said, "Jordan is from one of the eight great families. It won't be easy to capture him. However, the Park family called some time ago and asked the Schmid family to agree to kick the Steeles out during the great meeting in two months. I've already asked Lota's father to agree. The moment the Steeles are kicked out and their advanced technology is confiscated, capturing Jordan will be as easy as taking candy from a baby!"