Forming An Alliance With Shaun!

Jordan and Shaun flew straight to Fort Rong.

Arriving at this place again, Jordan no longer felt as nervous and awed as when he first came. After knowing the Rongs' heaven-defying secret, he had already started treating it as normal.

But he did not see Rong Huangde when he entered the secret room.

"Where's Rong Huangde?" Jordan asked.

Shaun said, "You know, this old man is already 71 years old. He's only a few years away from turning 80. So he has been living in the past. He went back in time a few days ago. He won't be back until two days later."

Shaun snapped his fingers and ordered. "Dr. T, bring out two bottles of red wine and a few snacks. I want to have a drink with Jordan here."

A system voice sounded. "Yes, Master."

A claw-shaped object emerged from a wall with red wine, glasses and some tasty-looking dishes.