Victoria Gets Married!

Everyone did not understand why Chester was standing rooted to the ground. He could clearly kill Jordan now. Instead, he looked very terrified and nervous.

They didn't think that Chester had a soft-hearted bone in his body. He had just killed so many people and had no qualms about killing the women after playing with them. His ruthlessness was unparalleled in the world.

Why would he suddenly feel soft-hearted towards a man who was here to cause trouble? It didn't make any sense at all.

Meanwhile, Jordan took off his armor and stood there defenseless. He said to Chester, "Come on, why don't you dare to come over?"

The more confident Jordan was in provoking Chester, the more Chester did not dare to go over.

'No, Jordan is not a fool. He must have set up traps and ambushes there in advance. Could it be his Little Steele robot?'