Lost Paradise Hotel!

Jordan made up a random excuse, and Sam did not suspect anything.

Sam nodded. "I see. Since you're also going to Lost Paradise, I'll take you there."

Jordan accepted the help happily.

Therefore, Jordan and Sam walked into his aircraft. The cockpit of this small aircraft was very simple. Jordan could not even find the start button or the brake. Indeed, technology was more advanced.

Sam pressed something on the top of his head, and the aircraft began to take off.

Seeing that Sam was still controlling the steering wheel, Jordan asked, "Doesn't your aircraft have an autopilot function?"

Jordan felt that since Earth had already invented automatic driving, there was no need for people to drive themselves. Since the Celestial King Planet's technology was so powerful, it should have been invented long ago.

Sam smiled and said, "There's a fee to use the automatic driving function. Poor people like us should save as much as we can, haha."