All Sorts of Insults and Humiliation

Hook up? Go back on my word? Breach of contract? What?

"What nonsense are you spouting? Didn't the Stardust Corporation just sign the contract with us this morning?" Cheyenne asked with a frown, her eyes still red from crying just now.

Bryce humphed coldly. "Hmph, drop the act! Just come clean. Were you the one who caused the Stardust Corporation to sue us for breach of contract and demand compensation? How will it benefit you if the Carters suffer heavy losses?"

Only then did Cheyenne somewhat figure out what he meant. She was extremely astonished too. The Stardust Corporation is suing the Carters for breach of contract? What's going on?

"Cheyenne Carter, I'm telling you, no matter what shameless conditions you promised Mr. Davis in exchange for the contract, something has gone wrong now, and you have to solve the problem!" Bryce exclaimed sternly while pointing at Cheyenne's nose.