Great Ambitions

Vince's cold words, coupled with the piercing and distorted killing intent on his face, immediately made both Wendy and Lance subconsciously shudder.

In particular, Lance wasn't as vicious and scheming as Wendy, so his heart was pounding wildly at the moment.

If Vince knew that his son Roy hadn't been killed by Lucas but had died in the Kingston residence, he probably wouldn't spare the Kingstons even if they weren't the ones who killed Roy.

He carefully looked at Wendy, who was still as calm as usual, before secretly gulping and forcing himself to calm down.

No matter what, since things had already developed to this point, he and Wendy were already on the same boat. Even if the truth came to light, he would have Wendy to take the blame. As long as he controlled his facial expressions well and avoided arousing suspicion, Roy's incident would probably remain a secret forever.