The Howards' Ally

However, Rayson didn't expect Michael to stay so calm after hearing what he said. Michael merely said indifferently, "It's just a regular business dealing, and the Huttons only lost a few hundred million. We'll be able to make up for it soon. Besides, this matter has passed a long time ago, and there's no point in raking up the past now, unlike what the Williams are doing."

Florence quickly said with an awkward expression, "Mr. Hutton, I'm very sorry for what happened previously!"

Before, Lucas had called her and asked for her help to join forces with the Smiths to deal with the Huttons, causing them to suffer huge losses.

But Michael actually looked past it and came to the Howards' rescue, making Florence feel extremely sorry and embarrassed.

"Those things are in the past. Ms. Howard, you don't have to be bothered by it."

At this moment, Michael quietly glanced at Lucas next to him.