Get Him to Come Out

Lucas looked around at the people surrounding him and said coldly, "Tell Ashton Hill to get the hell out here immediately!"

Lucas was furious.

If Ashton really wanted to snatch the land away, he could just come at Lucas.

Gemma was already advanced in years, but she was still undergoing emergency rescue now, and it was unknown what would happen to her in the future. Ashton was utterly unforgivable!

After hearing what Lucas said, the henchmen of Club Illuma immediately had a drastic change in expression. How dare this man call Mr. Ashton by his name and speak about him in that tone?!

The leader hollered, "Damn it! Who do you think you are? You can't meet Mr. Ashton just because you want to!"

"Heh, is that so? Then, I can only use other methods to make him get his ass out here to see me!" Lucas said coldly. The moment he finished speaking, he had already dashed toward the henchmen like a bolt of lightning.