Dropping Work

A middle-aged man standing beside Ashton said indignantly, "Mr. Ashton, are we going to let that punk off and allow him to leave with all that money? We're letting him off too easy!"


Ashton raised his hand and slapped the middle-aged man on his face. He roared, "You think I want to let him go? If you think you can stop him, go ahead! If you can stop him and bring me back his bank card, I'll give you 150 million dollars!

"Go f*cking try to stop him!"

The middle-aged man was slapped so hard that his teeth almost became loose. He hurriedly kept his mouth shut, not daring to say another word.

Now that Ashton was in a rage, no one dared to say anything.

After glowering furiously at the crowd in the poker room, he ordered sternly, "None of you are to speak a word about what happened today. Otherwise, I won't let you off!"