I'm Just Master Peregrine's Dog

Every word that Quince Larson spoke was a piercing attack. Every word and sentence was meant to show his grandpa one thing: that handing the company over to Yvette Larson would cause the Larson Corporation to become the Taylor Corporation in no time.

Then, all of the Larson family members would be fired from the company by Yvette Larson because of his orders.

Joseph Larson considered the situation carefully and was alarmed.

He glanced at his grandson. 'There are no outstanding talents amongst the Larson family's second generation. That is why I had said that I would simply pass over the second generation and choose my successor from the third generation. From the way things are, Quince Larson is the most brilliant one in his generation.'

"Grandpa, I have no intention of fighting for power or profit. I'm doing everything for the sake of the Larson family." Quince Larson was just shy of raising up his hand to swear to God about it.