The Unreasonable Linda James

Of course, Finn Taylor wasn't saying that just to show off his affection for his wife. He wasn't that lame.

"This is my wife, Yvette Larson. She's the Larson family's eldest daughter and the Larson Corporation's Deputy CEO."

As Finn Taylor introduced his wife, Penny felt that the latter's name sounded familiar.

When he finally finished his introduction, Penny had an awkward expression plastered on her face. "You mean that she's Yvette Larson and that you're Finn Taylor?"

He nodded.

Penny's expression fell even further. She seemed to have something to say, yet she didn't dare to voice her thoughts.

Even Finn Taylor thought that it looked ridiculous. "Is there something you don't dare to say? Do you mean to ask if I'm that useless matrilocal son-in-law everyone in San Francisco talks about?"

Then, he nodded. "Yes."