A Grave Misunderstanding

With Finn Taylor leading the way, Oliver Kleine was carried to the house door of Penny's mother.

They flung the sack onto the ground, allowing Oliver Kleine to crawl out. He was still swearing at them and probably would've attacked them if not for the fact that he was vastly outnumbered.

"Kneel down!" Finn Taylor spat out.

Oliver Kleine took in his surroundings, finally realizing that he was at the door of his former mother-in-law's house.

In an instant, he was dumbfounded.

"Did Penny hire you guys? I already divorced that woman. Why did you take me here?" Oliver Kleine tried to make excuses for himself.

"I told you to get down on your knees." Finn Taylor had no interest in listening to this man's nonsense. All he wanted the latter to do was kneel to the old lady.