
'I'll never regret my decision just because of what Finn Taylor says. Who is he? He's just a useless matrilocal son-in-law. He's no different from a useless dog in the Larson family, so how dare he say that I'm going to regret it? How ridiculous!'

"Hahaha! Yvette, oh Yvette. I never thought that you'd be so stupid. Even though your family always stirs up trouble, Grandpa always forgives you guys because you're family. But this time, you've gone too far. This is the Larson family's ancestral shrine; it's the place for our ancestors to rest in peace. Grandpa cares most about filial piety, so you must have a death wish to cause trouble here."

Yvette Larson admitted that her cousin made sense. To be honest, even she didn't have any clue what her husband was trying to achieve by doing this.

However, she chose to believe him. She knew that her spouse wouldn't hurt her.

Finn Taylor's actions quickly caused an uproar in the Larson family.