Leave Your Money Behind

Finn Taylor and Yvette Larson had already been in a fight. When the latter heard that yet another young lady was looking for her husband, she couldn't help feeling anger rise up within her. "Good, how amazing. Yet another young lady. Come on—invite her in. I want to see where you got another vixen."

The young lady pressing the doorbell outside was none other than Megan Daimler.

She glanced at Finn Taylor. Because he was dressed plainly, she had always thought that he was just an average person. Yet, she had found out that he lived at Number One Pacific Heights.

This wasn't somewhere just anyone could live in. But after asking around, she learned that Finn Taylor was the Larson family's useless matrilocal son-in-law!

In an instant, she was dumbstruck. 'How could a useless matrilocal son-in-law stay at Number One Pacific Heights?'

"Where are you from? You're quite beautiful. Finn Taylor, your eye for women is getting better."