Not Enough

"Why are they there?"

"What shall we do? Should we head there?"

The James family's faces were all sour. They had no clue what to do, but there was only one solution to their problem—go to the ancestral shrine at the old residence.

As such, the entire James family set off.

The James family's ancestral shrine.

Finn Taylor's family of four was relaxed as they sat there in the sun.

"Mom, don't say a thing when they turn up later." Yvette Larson instructed her mom, who merely nodded.

To be honest, she was extremely curious what Finn Taylor was going to do to the rest, but she remained silent.

Before long, a few cars arrived at the James family's old residence.

More than a dozen people got out of the cars one after another—the James family had arrived.

They headed straight for the ancestral shrine.