Scram, You Old Hag

Quince Larson quickly sealed the duo's mouths yet again.

Two or three days after Yvette Larson and her best friend had been captured, Quince Larson took the opportunity when Black Fox was distracted to slash the latter in the neck with a dagger, killing him instantly.

While Black Fox wasn't a renowned figure, he still had dozens of subordinates. He'd never expected to die in such a pathetic manner.

The only reason Quince Larson had killed him was that he had gotten into a fight with him the previous day.

Quince Larson wanted to threaten Yvette Larson to hand over even more money since her family was rich, yet Black Fox refused immediately, saying that it was against the industry's rules.

At that time, Quince Larson hadn't rebutted him, but he couldn't help but get more incensed the more he thought about it.