Pulling Heaven Down

"Yvette Larson, we'll be frank with you. It's your husband—Finn Taylor—who offended us. You have two paths to choose from. Either you call your husband over to kneel before us, or we terminate our collaborations with the Larson family. Let's see how long your family will be able to survive without us in San Francisco."

The Larson family was no more than a second-tier family in San Francisco. Given that both Joseph Larson and Quince Larson were already dead and that the Sullivan family had terminated their collaboration, the Larson Corporation was already on the verge of collapsing.

If these families were to end their collaborations as well, the Larson family might very well break apart.

"Yvette, you're the new family head. We're counting on you, so you can't lead us into a rut just after succeeding the position!"