Ulterior Motives

Clarine Landon's parents left.

The day had been filled with too many incidents—she had lost countless projects, been chased for repayment, and was bullied by the Larson family. To top it all off, her best friend was now missing.

Every event weighed down on Yvette Larson's heart. It felt as though there were four heavy stones pressing down on her chest, making it hard to breathe.

At the same time, Finn Taylor and Megan Daimler arrived in Chicago.

Almost immediately, they bumped into two men—Julian Taylor and Jefferson Taylor.

The brothers were the sons of Brian Taylor's younger brother—Benjamin Taylor.

After killing his grandmother and locking his younger brother up, Finn Taylor didn't want to deal with the Taylor family anymore. Yet, someone had tried to take advantage of the situation to take over the family.

To be honest, that didn't really matter to Finn Taylor. After all, the Taylor family didn't mean much to him.