A Wrong Move

Ronan Simpson didn't believe a word Finn Taylor was saying. 'What would a piece of trash like him know? How dare he act as though he's so smart? Let's see what kind of story he'll come up with. If he can't say anything, I'll use this to demand compensation from them. Isn't your family rich anyway? Don't you stay at Number One Pacific Heights? Great, I'll make your family pay me in the millions, if not a billion. Otherwise, I'll make sure you go to jail.'

'Let's see what you'll do then, Finn Taylor. I wonder if you would spend a billion for Yvette Larson's sake. Rumor has it that your relationship has improved and that you guys are loving, but I'm not buying that. Loving? Love only comes when you have the right background. Do you guys even match each other? You two are worlds apart! And do you know what will result from that? There's only one outcome—nobody will care about you even if you die.'