And You Say You Don’t Know Martial Arts?

"Grr… Arf!"

The loud bark startled everyone, and the crowd promptly backed away toward both ends of the shopping center.

The younger black-and-white Alaskan Malamute simply could not win against the adult and was promptly slammed to the ground. With that, the larger one looked up at the woman—the owner of its defeated opponent with a fearsome glint in its eyes!

Oh, no!

Having the experience of a level two purple-expert Hunter, Wang Kui's eyes were trained enough to tell that the large Alaskan Malamute was turning feral!

And in the next instant, the Alaskan Malamute had lunged toward the young woman. 

"Big Butt!"

Wang Kui bellowed, releasing his hold on its leash—he had to save her!

And since dogs moved quicker than humans, he needed to get Big Butt to draw the other dog's attention!

In the next instant, Big Butt did not hesitate to charge forward, its heel tendons and paws transmitting energy to every inch of muscle like a rotating gear, allowing it to dash forward at an astonishing speed!


As it ran, Big Butt let out an almost bloodthirsty bark that immediately caught the attention of the Alaskan Malamute.

The other adult dog was more than a meter long and appeared heavier than an adult man. Being a species from the polar regions that bestowed its kind powerful muscles and steel-like bones, it looked just like a red-brown bear with its fur!


As if interested in the new opponent, the giant Alaskan Malamute gave up on the woman and charged toward Big Butt!

Their resounding barks left the other dogs present averting their eyes!

However, although the Alaskan Malamute was twice the size of Big Butt, Big Butt lunged at it regardless.

After all, hunting dogs never backed down, and all that mattered was their master's orders!

The two dogs hence collided in the air, growling like monsters.

With a loud thud, both dogs slammed onto the ground! 

Oh, my God! 

Even though the wolfdog was half the size of the Alaskan Malamute, they were fighting as equals!

[Whoa! Has Big Butt always been that fierce?!]

[It won't be able to defeat the Alaskan Malamute, would it? The difference in size is so obvious!]

[Why not? Big Butt is trained in hunting live prey. Would domesticated dogs be a match for a dog that often kills?]


However, just as one of Wang Kui's viewers commented that… 

Big Butt promptly turned… and ran?


It was actually running away, and it was running in Wang Kui's direction!

However, it was not to flee!

To put it in another perspective, it was drawing the other dog toward its master!

At the same time, Wang Kui, who was almost reaching them, saw that the Alaskan Malamute was being lured toward him. Not only was he not intimidated, but he also dashed forward even quicker!

With his strengthened adrenaline glands bursting and rapidly secreting more hormones, his blood pumped wildly throughout his body like gasoline, igniting every muscle cell he had!

All at once, his Armed Police's close-quarter combat training turned into reality. 

He strode forward and pivoted, twisting his hip and raising his knee, his thigh accelerating as rapidly as a steel whip!

A dash forward and a whip of a kick!

His shoe slammed down on the dog as his leg left a gust of wind in its wake that left the head spinning, hitting the charging Alaskan Malamute squarely on the head!



A loud thud could be heard, and the massive Alaskan Malamute dropped to the ground, whining!

At the same time, Big Butt screeched to a halt, turned, and lunged forward, a bloody glint in its eye!

"No biting!"

Wang Kui barked. A fearsome aura surrounding him, he grabbed the massive Alaskan Malamute by the leash and lifted it!

Oh my gosh!

Though it weighed over a hundred catties, the dog was lifted into the air just like that! 

"Where's the owner?! Where are they?!"

His loud bellow resounded throughout the scene, and even the bustling crowd in the distance stopped talking and looked toward him!

"Over here, over here!"

That was when a bespectacled man with a square face and appeared a little academic but weak panickily ran toward him, phone in hand. "Sorry, bro! Really sorry! My wife called me just now, and when I wasn't looking…"

"Go check on that woman right now!"

Wang Kui promptly cut him short.

"Yes, of course!"

The man promptly ran toward the young woman who had fallen from his dog's lunging. 

When he had answered the call, he did not notice that his dog's leash had slipped from his grasp. He did not even realize it when he heard the scream, and he had been dumbstruck when he saw that his dog had pounced on someone.

In fact, he had only came to his senses after Wang Kui had bellowed for the dog's owner twice!

"Arf! Woof!"

"Still fighting?!'

Seeing that the Alaskan Malamute was still struggling, Wang Kui kicked it in the ribs, and it closed its eyes, tearing up from the pain.

The last kick had struck it squarely atop its snout, while the kick in the ribs had also been aimed true at its heart and lungs beneath its bones. All of those were weaknesses of the animal, and it directly triggered its tear glands.

Moreover, with Big Butt leering at it from nearby, the massive Alaskan Malamute lowered its head, stuck out its tongue, and gave up. 

[Incredible! It's crying!]

[Homework Is Piling gifted streamer Bank Card x5!—that combo was so awesome!]

[Zaun Gotta Run gifted Airplanes x1!—Are you still insisting you don't know martial arts?]

[Old Kui must have trained! That flying spin kick was so cool!]


Wang Kui had been carrying the camera, and everyone could clearly see what had happened. 

That was when the young woman came to him with her wounded dog. Having been helped up by the man just now, she was only bruised and not bitten. "Sob… thank you, handsome, really, thank you… I would be dead if not for you!"

She was in shock.

It was normal, however, since anyone would be left shaking when a dog that huge lunged toward them.

"It's fine. Bro, learn your lesson this time and always keep an eye on your dog! I suggest you take it to a professional pet tamer as well since that dog is very wild and extremely territorial. I'm sure you must have almost been bitten yourself…"

Wang Kui returned the Alaskan Malamute's leash to the man, and the latter kept nodding in gratitude. If his dog had really hurt the woman, it would not just be a matter of monetary damages!

After they had headed to a hospital, the people around them promptly surrounded Wang Kui.

"Impressive! You're incredible, kid!"

"You must have trained before, right? Your moves were slick!"

"Your wolfdog is so obedient, too—it attacks and stops when told…. If not for your voice, I think this dog would have torn that Alaskan Malamute to bits!"

Everyone was beside themselves with envy.

And it was certainly true.

If Wang Kui had not shouted and kept Big Butt in line, its ferocity meant that it would have bitten through the neck of the Alaskan Malamute!

"Handsome, can I add you on WeChat? My poodle is usually quite fierce, I wonder if you could help me out?" 

That was when a young, beautiful lady with puffy hair and a pale-yellow dress approached him.

[Are you asking for your dog here?]

[Even I am too embarrassed to expose you!]

The female fans in Wang Kui's channel all spammed emojis of disdain right then.

At that point, seeing that the crowd around him was getting ever larger, Wang Kui threw out an escape line to slip away. "I'm not a dog breeder. Ask professionals if you need help!"

He only breathed a sigh of relief when he finally made it out of the street.

In his channel, the men and ladies were now two factions. Some were telling him to have tea and small-talk with the ladies, while others were telling him to get home right away since even boys should learn to protect themselves when they were outside.

Regardless, everyone had endless praise for Big Butt's competence, especially at its luring tactic halfway through the confrontation.

Generally speaking, most fierce dogs would simply lunge at their opponent without regard for anything and continue biting away.

On the other hand, Big Butt understood its quarry and had even made an opening for its owner. That point alone made it peerless!

Such was the difference between hunting dogs and your ordinary mutt!

Every aspect about them was built for the hunt, and they followed their orders to the letter!

Wang Kui himself did not expect that their partnership would prove so effective. 

The audience then impatiently asked when he would return to the wild for another hunt, just so they could see Big Butt's true potential!

It was not as though he had not checked his System Quests, but each new hunt and bounty came every week, and the quest interface usually resembled a radar.

After each scan, there would be many red dots over the map, some of which were large, and others small, and some were concentrated, while others were sparse.

However, Wang Kui knew that those were hunting quests with bounties posted in the real world.

Returning home, he rewarded Big Butt with a spinal bone and logged off the stream after having another little chat with his audience.

Then, over the next few days, while he waited for his next quest…

Aside from studying hosting with Zhao Zhongheng, Wang Kui would bring Big Butt up the mountains of Shengyang to stream their training. After all, there were few people up there, and it was safer for Big Butt to practice pouncing.

It was worth mentioning that thanks to old Zhao's attentive preparations, his TikTok account now had over fifty thousand fans, though it did take quite an effort to convert those numbers to his Tigerfish viewership.

Then, three days later…


His quest radar refreshed, and there was now a red dot toward the southern region of the country!

Wang Kui promptly turned on his interface, clicked on it, and gasped.

Are you kidding me, System?!

Are you having me hunt… a hunter?!