I slightly leaped to see that it is Colton, Hyolyn's younger brother. He is drenched with sweat in his basketball jersey while dribblinging across the room and shooting using an imaginary ball. Faster as I could imagine, he is already hugging me so tight that I felt my blood get drained down to my feet.
"Oh, Colt… It's nice to-…" I struggled to finish my sentence because I can barely breathe from his tight hug.
"AWWW HYOLYN, THAT HURTS!" Hyolyn violently slapped him which made Colton release his hug as he rapidly rubbed his arms.
"You idiot, are you trying to kill Chley as soon as she arrive with that tight hug and smell of yours? You are so gross!" Hyolyn spoke as she pinched her nose as if Colton smelled like garbage.
Here they go again, a day will not be complete without them bickering. To other's eyes, they do not look like only a year apart. They look like toddlers with the same age that could never get along.
"Look who's talking! Chley, did you know Hyolyn has not taken a bath for a day or two now? It is surely her probably who smells!" Colton reacted while sticking out his tongue as he ran as fast as he could away from the are before Hyolyn could answer back and hit him with something.
"YA! COMEBACK AND YOU'LL SEE WHO'S-" Hyolyn growled.
"You guys should really grow up," I said nonchalantly.
Hyolyn turned around and glared at me. Moments later, the chicken soup is served and ready to eat. I hurriedly dig in as I was really starving and this household cooks it better than anyone else's. The native chicken's meat is so tender and the broth is super savory. As I was wrapping up my meal, Hyolyn looked at me intently and straightaway asked, "Unnie, could you tell me what happened? Uhm you see, I am just not used to seeing you obey your parents. Especially now, marriage is a major life decision." She looked at me wistfully.
Hyolyn and I are the closest among our other paternal cousins. This is why I somehow understand why she is being like this. She has always been so protective of me. My parents were also arranged to be married. feelings were not involved but they eventually learned to love each other. However, it was not for long. My Dad eventually cheated with another woman. My mom died 12 years ago due to heart complications worsened by my father's adultery.
I looked at Hyolyn straight in the eye. "Have you ever done something that made your parents smile? And as for how you see it, it made them genuinely happy?"
"Of course, Unnie. You know how much I do my best just so Mum and Dad would be proud of me. If not, they would have nothing to brag about to their amigos and amigas." Hyolyn responded with a hint of emotion in her voice. I mean, Uncle and Auntie, her parents have always been so hard to please.
"I get it. They are exactly the same with Dad. But how about mine, have you ever seen that look on Dad's face? Just even once?" I enthusiastically asked.
Hyolyn puts a hand on her chin and from the looks of it, she is trying to recall any circumstances my Dad felt proud of me. I believe she would recall none.
"Uhm no disrespect Unnie, however, never did I see that on Uncle's face. I mean, you're known in our clan as the rebel and no one, even your parents, could ever get a grip of you. Based on what you usually tell me, you overspend money. Rumor has it that your cards has been replaced multiple times for being damaged for thousands of purchases by paid by swiping. Is that true, Unnie? Daebak!" Hyolyn chuckled.
Just as I expected, people thought of me that way. Well, some parts of it are true. Recently, I have been reprimanded by my Dad for spending too much but it just ends there. It's not like they'd go bankrupt with my purchases, I know for myself that it's for a good cause. I have been funding several animal shelters and rescue groups. But they do not know that, they would never understand why I would do that.
"Well, that is a pretty decent description of myself," I said in surrender.
Hyolyn tilted her head in confusion.
"What puzzles me the most is that you live such a simple lifestyle. To the point that if you'd go out to the public, no one would ever recognize you as Regan Alcala, the business conglomerate tycoon's daughter." Hyolyn said as she took a sip of her water.
"That's the kind of life Mum wanted for us. Away from the keen eyes of the public." Chlea said seriously.
After almost a minute of pause, I decided to finally tell Hyolyn as to what happened.
"You know what, Lyn? At first, I wasn't serious with agreeing about the engagement they've been telling me. But-…"
"But what?" Hyolyn asked, eagerly waiting for the continuation.
I fiddled with the chicken bones left in the plate for a moment using a fork and then answered Hyolyn.
"The genuine happiness I saw from Dad's eyes upon hearing my agreement somehow touched my heart. As you've said, there was never a time he was proud of me. But at that moment, I realized that its actually the time I listen to him." I said while getting a little teary.
"But still! You know for yourself they don't need your permission to push this through. How could Uncle Regan ask you to get engaged. How about Odette your evil stepsister? Why must it be you, Chley?" Hyolyn spoke as she is about to sob.
In order to appease her emotional cousin, Chlea decided to break the sentimental atmosphere.
"Aish! Stop looking at me like that! As if I am the most pitiful person ever existed. Of course, I did not just give in, I asked for a deal." I said.
Hyolyn's face suddenly lit up and was eager to hear what's next.
"What did you ask in return, then?" Hyolyn asked out of curiosity.
"Well, as you have always know, it has been a long-standing dream of mine to live here in Cebu."
"Uh yes, and then?"
"I asked Dad to let me live in Cebu for some time and…" I said and smirked.
"Stop beating around the bush, Claaaay!" Hyolyn is annoyed lol.
"And that I'd like to study linguistics here in a state university, not in those elite universities you have here." I smiled.
"What did Uncle Regan say?" O_O
"You know that he used to disagree big time whenever I mention about living in Cebu, right? Guess what! His smile was so wide I was afraid it could tear his face open when he finally agreed on this condition! HAHAHA." I laughed hysterically.
"I must congratulate you for that but trust me, if I were you, even if he allows me to live in the most luxurious place on Earth or anywhere else I'd like to, I would never exchange that with being engaged let alone being married to a complete stranger," Hyolyn uttered with a frown.